anti-injunction act

PASSPORT UPDATE #9 Case 20-cv-0329 McNeil v. State Department & IRS

Even if McNeil is able to prove that he never received these Notices, though, it would not mean that the IRS’s certification was erroneous. As the Government observes, § 7345 does not say that a flawed or failed notice renders a certification erroneous.

Victory in Rhode Island!

Although, on the surface, it may seem like there has been little activity in the battle to restore the Rule of Law in America, I can assure you that Michael Ellis and I are working constantly behind the scenes.

Currently, we are working on the following:

Al Adask Interview on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 8:00pm CST

Michael Ellis and I will appear as guests on Al Adask’s radio program “The American Independence Hour. The interview will take place by phone on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 from 8:00pm CST - 10:00pm CST. It promises to be an interesting discussion and I hope you will set aside the time to listen.