rule 59

PASSPORT UPDATE #11 20-cv-0329 McNeil v US Department of State & IRS

Therefore, as the evidence shows, and the Government attorneys and the Court misconstrue, no notice of deficiency was ever sent to me, no valid assessment was ever made against me, and the 3-year statute of limitations on assessment and collection has expired, which renders my alleged federal income tax liability uncollectible.

PASSPORT UPDATE #10 Case 20-cv-0329 McNeil v. State Department & IRS

I have proven that the IRS’ certification to the State Department that I have a seriously delinquent federal tax debt, is not only erroneous, it is worse: it is intentionally false, having no basis whatsoever in fact, absent IRS’ falsification of federal records concerning me. And Judge Bates knows it.

Update on Cases 16-cv-02313 and 17-cv-1700022

The wheels of injustice turn slowly when dealing with Executive and Judicial branch fraud, but, they do eventually turn. In that regard, please find the following recently received documents:

Supreme Court Update

Currently, we have six active cases in U.S. District Court (five in Washington, D.C. and one in the Eastern District of California). In addition, we have four cases in the U.S. Court of Appeals (three in the D.C. Circuit and one in the 9th Circuit in California). On May 7, 2019, our Petition for Writ of Certiorari was docketed in the U.S. Supreme and assigned case #18-1402.